OROZCO-VALOR, P.M. and GRANDE, J.M. Exceptionally Large Clutches in Two Raptors Breeding in Nest Boxes. 2016. Journal of Raptor Research. 50:232– 236. Link descarga: >>PDF
Cita: OROZCO-VALOR, P.M., SANTILLÁN, M.A., BRAGAGNOLO, L.A., REBOLLO, M.E., LÓPEZ, F.G and MARTÍNEZ, P.A. 2016. Aportes a la biología reproductiva del chirigüe azafrán (Sicalis flaveola) en cajas nido en un bosque semiárido del centro de Argentina. Revista Chilena de Ornitología....
JAHN, A., GIRALDO, J.I., Mc PHERSON, M., TUERO, D., SARASOLA, J.H., CEREGHETTI, J., MASSON, D. 2016. Demographic variation in timing and intensity of feather molt in migratory Fork-tailed Flycatchers (Tyrannus s. savana). Journal of Field Ornithology 87:143-154...
ZANON-MARTINEZ, J.I., SANTILLÁN, M.A., SARASOLA, J.H., TRAVAINI, A. 2016. A native top predator maintained by exotic preys inside a protected area: the puma and the introduced ungulates. Journal of Arid Environments 134:17-20. Abstract: Top predators play an important role to...
ZANON-MARTINEZ, J.I, KELLY, M., MESA-CRUZ, B., SARASOLA, J.H., DE HART, C. & TRAVAINI, A. 2016. Density and activity patterns of pumas in hunted and non-hunted areas in central Argentina. Wildlife Research. 43: 449-460. Abstract: Hunting has demographic effects on large and...
SARASOLA, J.H., ZANÓN-MARTÍNEZ, J.I., COSTÁN, A.S. & RIPPLE, W.J. 2016. Hypercarnivorous apex predator could provide ecosystem services by dispersing seeds. Scientific reports, 6, 19647. Abstract: Large “hypercarnivorous” felids are recognized for their role as apex predators...